Life Updates Vol. 1
Posted 17 March 2008 under life, viget
HELLO WEB FRIENDS. Some brief updates: the new job is going swimmingly. I’m the primary developer on a smallish website we’re developing. It’s great to be able to work from professionally-designed website comps, and I’m learning a ton about testing and web application design. And check out the new — friggin’ awesome, huh?
Moving on up
Tooo the third floor. I’m moving into a new place in mid-April. I’m super excited; my two biggest gripes about my current apartment are the lack of space and how dark it is. This new place is great incredible — huge windows, tons of space, and a great view of Durham, and I can still walk to work. I’m looking forward to building my cave. Let me know when you can make it down, eh?
And speaking of visiting…
I’ll be up in NoVA this weekend, from the 19th to the 23rd — let me know if you wanna catch up. I heard there’s a great show in D.C. on Thursday.