Moving On
Posted 17 January 2008 under life, ruby on rails, viget
IN MAY OF 2006, I purchased this domain with the intention of starting my very own blog. I experimented with several site designs, but nothing I came up with effectively captured the feel of the time and place where I was. One day, I was out taking pictures of the area around my apartment. One in particular spoke to me, and that picture, shown above, became the foundation of this website.
FAST FORWARD one year: a small, Falls Church-based web company has decided to expand their operation to Durham. Their search for suitable office space eventually lands them in an impressive location in Brightleaf Square, with two cathedral windows looking out at the very same scene featured in the photograph above.
AS YOU MIGHT know, I’ve been an employee of Duke’s Office of Information Technology since I graduated in 2005. I’ve had the privilege of working with some smart, talented people on numerous enjoyable projects. I’m very thankful for the opportunities Duke has provided me.
BUT THE WINDS of change are blowing; the director of the Viget Labs Durham office, the very company I described earlier, found my website and contacted me about joining the Durham chapter of the Refresh tech network that they were starting. There I met some of the team, who encouraged me to apply for one of their open positions, and apply I did. I start on February 11th.
VIGET REPRESENTS AN INCREDIBLE opportunity for me. I’ll be doing Rails development full time. At this point in my career, there’s nothing I’d rather be doing. I’m only truly happy when I’m creating, and Viget offers plenty of opportunity for that, through team-based client work and contributions to open source. I’m sad to leave the friends I’ve made at Duke, but I’m not going far.
2007 ENDED ON SOMETHING of a rough note, but things are looking up, and the new year promises to be an exciting one. Best wishes to you and yours.
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