RubyNation PresenTation
Posted 1 June 2009 under speaking, technology
I’m taking my Optimizing Perceived Performance show on the road for the RubyNation conference, June 12-13 in Reston, VA, alongside three of my fellow Vigeteers. I’ve been busy revising the talk to include material from High Performance Web Sites, by Steve Souders, the creator of YSlow, as well as information about relevant updates coming in Rails 3.
The first time I gave the talk, I had to switch back-and-forth between Keynote and the web app I built, which made for a somewhat jerky experience. This time around, I’m creating a jQuery-based presentation framework to show slides and code, and then, within the same browser window, execute the code and demonstrate its effects. My goal is to create NOTHING LESS than the premiere browser-based system for giving presentations about unobtrusive javascript. Check out the content and the jQuery plugin that runs the show.
I’ve also submitted the talk to Windy City Rails, taking place in Chicago in September. I’ve wanted to visit Chicago since the last time I visited Chicago, in 1989.
UPDATE 6/5: Accepted to Windy City Rails!